Daily Archives: January 27, 2009

Knowledge is King

iw-orlando-head1I can’t stress enough the importance of continuing education. The home inspector that gives up learning should also give up inspecting. In this profession, there is always something new and old to learn. Hiring a home inspector that continues to invest in knowledge is a good investment as a home owner.

I recently returned from ASHI’s InspectionWorld 2009 in Orlando. As usual, the variety of topics and quality of speakers was phenomenal. Continuing education sessions ranged from advanced plumbing, electrical, building codes, green buildings, roofing, foundations, stucco and on and on.

If I’m looking for a doctor, I want the most educated one I can find. The one with the most up-to-date knowledge in his business. One that invests in himself.

The same should hold true for anyone looking for a home inspector.